Keene, NH Sun. June 14th, 2009 Chickenstock @ Agway

decisions decisions!!
I hope dh is not monitoring me from work!!
Are the what crested black polish all spoken for?? How old?
I am going to be in so much trouble these next couple weekends....
Are the what crested black polish all spoken for?? How old?
I am going to be in so much trouble these next couple weekends....

No, I just added them to my order! They'll be babies
I think I'm keeping two or three... I just gotta LOL
You all make this so hard! I want another chick like you can't imagine (well, probably you can
) but this is the ONLY swap I can go to before the fall, and the weekend after this one I am going to the beach! I can't bring any chicks with me (although I've heard that one suggested, you crazy chicken people
) and I don't want to have my neighbor look after anyone else. She's already checking in on my three 15 week olds. If I get a young pullet she will need to be watched closely, but if I get an older pullet she will need to be quarentined!

And I only have room in my coop for one more standard or two bantams.
I guess I'll just be coming to look...
I'm still drooling over the website...

GIVE ME some ideas chickn...please help me make my decision because I WANT THEM ALL!

LOL well i was making a list, i started at the top of the page and when i got to the bottom i had more on the list than i thought i wanted. i havent placed the order, i got discouraged and left. LOL

i love love to see a flock of buff orps, part or barred rocks, nh reds and gold laced wyandottes. but really you should have an australorp or 2 and a lite brahma of course, LOL, see the problem. and you cant not have an ee

I know the feeling---i drooled over the catalog for the longest time before ordering anything. So many beautiful birds to choose from. I finally decided on what to get based on:
1) i wanted good layers,
2) i HAD to try colored egg layers,
3) Temperament--did not want mean birds, especially since i have young kids,
4) hardiness, since we can have sub-zero temps in winter,
5) recommendations from friends who said that they had good luck with this or that variety, or that they did NOT like a certain breed and why.
Availability also influenced what i ended up getting too.
But then i had to buy more later anyway becasue i REALLY wanted those Salmon Faverolles! LOL
In my flock, I have Ameraucanas, Barred Rocks, Buff Orp, NH Red, Speckled Sussex, Welsummers, Salmon Faverolles, and Cuckoo Marans. Several differnt age groups to get all those. Then i have a few silkies, and a few roosters, most of whom we got at swaps!
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Are the what crested black polish all spoken for?? How old?
I am going to be in so much trouble these next couple weekends....

No, I just added them to my order! They'll be babies
I think I'm keeping two or three... I just gotta LOL

I would love to have one!
Hi all,

I am new here, and am thinking of coming to the Chickenstock since Keene is just over an hour from me! Sounds like fun, and I am sure I could get myself into trouble with all the neat stuff and chickies available

I am looking for some hatching eggs, and was hoping maybe some of the people going might possibly be able to bring some for me? I am looking for some hardy, good egg layers to start up a new flock. The breeds I am mostly interested in eggs from are:


Does anyone on here that is going to this event have any of these breeds, or know of someone going, who I might be able to contact to get some eggs?

Thanks for any help!!!! Looking forward to going to my first Chickenstock

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