Keene, NH Sun. June 14th, 2009 Chickenstock @ Agway

Did you put orange peels around the survivors yet to keep the cat away?

Sorry I don't have any advice to get your DH to water?

The cats are indoors only and the peppers have moved out for planting this weekend. For now they are on the deck. DH is now talking about buying more peppers this weekend, lol. I'm tellin you, tou are getting rich one 6 pack at a time. Hopefully once they are in the beds things will go better!

tellynpeep, don't worry about the Red thing. DH is over it now. I still can't bring anything alive home from the swaps but he is letting me get my new kitten so I'm happy!
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Prob not going to make it to this swap either
I have all I need for chicks and chickens now...Im going to try to grow them out and see whats staying and whats going from there. I have to say thanks to everyone for the chicks I got.
Thanks, Gypsy, i think that helps

What i really need to do is separate them into a coupl of boxes according to what i think they are. I keep looking at them all in the brooder, and saying, yeah, that one must be a BR, and that one, wait a minute! Which is that one?? My poor eyes keep going
until i'm going crazy, becasue the chicks move around so fast, i'm not sure which ones i've already looked at. LOL

Well, i got to run for another appt this morning, so i'll get back to this later. Thanks for the tips!
Ok...folks....I just picked up my order from Mt. Healthy...all fluffy happy and so cute....I must rub each one on my cheek from time to time.

Cuckoo Maran's legs are PINK/Mottled grey...and hopefully feathered...if you are looking for show quality. Boys will be lighter with yellowish bellies...girls are darker with greyish bellies. Or is it the other way around?? There is a great Maran thread on here...long long'll have to search it out.

Barred Rock's legs are yellow....AND as an adult much BIGGER than Cuckoo Maran's...heftier bums. Look on the bottoms of the chicks feet...if you see any yellow in the feet...good chance it is a BR.

Barred and Cuckoo refers to feather pattern. Barred is really kind of striped...and cuckoo is more like black and white pattern with NO specific strips....Cuckoo feathers are great for fly tying!
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Marans have white legs. Rocks have yellow.

-Cindy in MA

Hmm, The hatchery rep told me that BR have "darker feet". I have pics of my older batch of chicks at this age---the BR had black on the fronts of their legs and feet (but orangy on the backs). Two of the chicks i'm trying to ID have similar legs/feet. I'm supposed to have 3 BR, so i'm trying to figure out which of the other chicks is the 3rd BR.... I'm going to have to look at them again later as i have to leave for a few hrs. Thanks for the tip.
Howardacres...check out these might help better.
Cuckoo Maran Roo...notice the difference in feather pattern...


Barred Rock

BABIES COMING TO THE SWAP for sale...just got them this am...
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awww poor chickies having to be on their sides like that for a picture

they are cuties theough.
need to roatate that picture up right so no one gets the wrong ideas lol.
awww poor chickies having to be on their sides like that for a picture

they are cuties theough.
need to roatate that picture up right so no one gets the wrong ideas lol.

Those babies are getting the SERIOUS royal treatment!! They are so quiet...not peeping at all anymore...very happy and warm. PO called early this'd have thunk it was Christmas morning in my house! LOL Girls are not playing with them too much because they KNOW we are selling them all!! Poor things do not want to get attached!

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