Keene, NH Sun. June 14th, 2009 Chickenstock @ Agway

I didn't think I'd be able to make it but hubby decided he wanted to go so we'll be there! We will have these babies (all 4-6 weeks old):

1 Old English black breast red pullet

1 Buff Japanese

2 Black Cochin

6 Quail Antwerp D’Anvers in quail color, males and females

1 Barred Cochin

2 Golden Laced Cochin

5 Black Crevecoeurs (medium sized) 3 boys, 2 girls

2 Bob-white young adult and laying- sell as pair only $20

2 blue Splash Cochin- both cockerels $5 each

I also have some button quail if anyone is interested but I don't plan on bringing them unless someone is interested.

** I also have someone looking for 3-4 bantam cockerels in any color of these breeds: Old English game, Japanese or other type that is not feather legged and is small and "cocky" in the roos. They will be pets. contact me if you have any and plan to be at the sale.
hi everyone we will be coming to keene we will have
11 rhode island reds all pullets
0 new hampshire reds pullets
all about 7-10 days old
some magpie ducklings
and 2 call ducks
if interested let me know and i will try to hold something for you

down to two calls left and no nh reds they are on hold thanks
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Good Morning.... now it looks like showers all day according to NOAA.... I checked on Thurs and it said sunny and 75 for Sunday....

I guess it depends who's giving the forecast. This am they said on the TV news that it would rain all night Saturday night and into Sunday morning, but then it would let up. On the weather map, they show the western part of the state clearing first, as the system moves towards the east. It sounds like it will stay kind of cloudy, but hopefully they are right and the rain will let up. I think i will bring an awning.

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