Keene, NH Sun. June 14th, 2009 Chickenstock @ Agway

Oh, I bought some chicks from that lady. I don't know who she was though

Wasn't me- we had the silver truck with blue tarp with the pictures of what the chicks would look like when adults

Tammie (spotsplus)

Tammie, did you get the pictures of your chicks grown up? I eamiled them to you
I just wanted to say I had a wonderful time meeting new people, the soap was such a nice gift and smells great! I should have snached up the little black silkie when I had the chance
but Melissa's daughter will take good care of it I'm sure
Awww- I didn't see us in your pictures
*sniff *sniff (just kidding!) We were in between two people with lots of ducks and across from the table with the feather pens (my daughter bought one of those!)
She couldn't afford to feed him

We went to Chili's last night, he ate an entire cheeseburger and fries, 2 chicken nuggets off his brothers plate and split dessert with his mom... HE IS ONLY TWO!!!

Buy more plants... I need to feed my human garbage disposal..


I have 2 grandsons that eat like that, healthy appetites, and they are rail thin, go figure.

Heck if I ever ate like that I would be larger than one of Gregs Chicken coops.

The Baby gitl is just the most precious little thing, always smiling. unlike my frowny faces.

well for an update from the doctor,
Poor Dr walked in and I looked at him and said , " Ya kow this is an ungodly hour of the morning to tell someone bad news" ( I had seen the MRI brfore he did actually)

The smarty pants looks at me and says well I do have good news,
me: oh really and what would that be
DR H: well you dont have cancer!

Me: well thats a no brainer lol

Then he proceeded to tell me I have 3 good disks, C 1, 2, 3 are perfect, the rest of the disks from 4 down to 8 are totally blown and compressed.( explains the migraines at least).
surgery is iminent,( ya huh Im thinking NOT!)
the nerve in my elbow has to be shoved back into its home.
and I have to quit smoking (gasp) before surgery can take place, ya huh like thats happening.
and the hand has to be sliced and diced too, gee can ya think of any other body part needing metal and string?
now I told him the only way he was getting into my body parts to fix all these miserable breakdowns was to do all 3 surgerys at the same time,
He explained that all 3 fat arses wouldnt fit on my arm at the same time( his words not mine btw)

so 3 surgerys, nah dont think so isnt happening, better pick one body part to play with only. make it the right choice cause ya aint bout to get a second or third whack at my body.
so needless to say it wasnt a good visit, but at least it was a funny one, I dont think I have ever had so much fun getting bad news.

Oh forgot to add, when he was showing me the MRI he was explaining about the cerebral cortex and brain stem

and he just had to say and this is the base of the brain, ' I dead panned looked at him and said, well at least I have proof there is a brian in there some where.
the look on his face was priceless
he was trying so hard not to laugh.

What on Earth have you done to your body Gypsy? Were you an Olympic athlete in your younger years? Talk about broken down:gig
Make it your arm, that disc back surgery I've seen too many times~it feels great at first, but the first sneeze or fart and you're outa business again.
What on Earth have you done to your body Gypsy? Were you an Olympic athlete in your younger years? Talk about broken down:gig
Make it your arm, that disc back surgery I've seen too many times~it feels great at first, but the first sneeze or fart and you're outa business again.

well lets see where do I start well I guess the begining is a good place.
1) car accident at the age of 6, Driunk driver stove in the whole back of our station wagon,
2) when I was a teenager with hair to my butt, I had my hair in a beach towel , brother ran by and yanked the towel, unfortunately my hair was twisted up in it, put my head on my shoulder.
( we wont mention a few years later while in high scool he set my hair on fire.

3) spent more years than I care to remember breaking/training horses,
I have been rolled on more times than a steam roller.
been thrown a few times.

4)2 car accidents in a years time, 1 I wasnt driving and the second was T boned.
I would be remiss if not mentioning falling out the stupid back door and breaking my foot.
or while on a ladder stepping off into thin air lol.
the list goes on and on and on and on, too much to get into so just the major stuff.
to say I was not named Grace for a reason comes to mind LOL.
Gypsy- sorry to hear about the Doc stuff
Love those puppies!

I had a great time despite that I got absolutely sopping wet. I sold all but 3 of my 5 week old chicks. I was glad my group of 4 Crevevoeurs went to one home.

My daughter, Melyssa, loved the chicken cupcakes! I loved the 4-H chocolate chip oatmeal cookies!

I had all I could do not to come home with bunnies, geese, a showgirl, 2-3 puppies, coturnix quail if my daughter had her way but I resisted!

I came home with:

2 button quail boys
1 mille fluer D'uccle handicapped pullet
4 small bantam cockerels for someone I was buying them for.
1 unknown breed chick that I just couldn't pass up for 1.50 (not the lady that had the many young chicks but from a seller across the row)- love the chick by the way!

Who is it that has the chicken tractor? I have a friend that would like to get in touch with him as she needs a outdoor henhouse for a few hens.
Janet's hubby Greg sells the chicken tractors.... 1chickmagnet

ETA: opppps Pete beat me to it, LoL !!!
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Your name is Grace? doesn't fit you! Only a Gypsy would have so many 'accidents'...
I've cracked my head more times than I can count, 2 concussions, fell down the cellar stairs & broke my collarbone, fell upstairs and cracked my ribs and recently broke my big toe in 3 places. You make me sound much for the eventful life:lau

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