keeping chickens cool in summer heat

I like the pool ideas. I might see if I can do something like that next summer (winter now)
We've just had flooding rain and they loved standing in the lakes left behind -sigh. Sure they think they are ducks lol So they might enjoy it come summer as well.
Thanks for the info on this subject. I feel better knowing I am doing all the things you are talking about. I like the idea of the PVC pipe water cooler. My SIL can help me build one. Here in SC, it is hot and humid. So far, they seem to be able to make themselves comfortable with what I have provided for them. Besides the watermelon, put a cabbage (whole) in their area and watch them tear it up. The info provided by BYC has been so valuable to caring for the hens correctly. Thanks ago.
After reading all of the posts so far, I'm happy to see I have the right idea.
On hot days, I give them chilled or frozen watermelon, strawberries, corn on the cob, or cantaloupe to cool them down. I also freeze pints of water with corn or freeze dried meal worms to get them to peck at it. I tried the pan of water, but they don't go near it. I tried the pool idea and they don't like it, but I'm going to keep trying it out. We bought fans to run in their coop and run too.

I'm excited to hear other ideas :)
We had a surplus of tomatoes from our plants so I freeze them and give them to my birds, and also give them frozen ears of corn from last year's harvest. They like it when I spray down the side of the run with the fan on it, even though they run away at first. As soon as the water spray stops they run over there and dig dig dig! They had all but stopped eating their crumbles so I started making a mash with cool water, and adding unsweetened applesauce, chopped apples and pears, tomatoes, and soaked scratch.

I still have 2 broody hens that sit on top of each other all day in the nest box. To keep them from baking in the coop I make them sit out in the run during most of the day. I tried the ice cubes in the nest box trick to break the broodyness but it didn't work and made the other laying hen upset.
I know someone who has a shallow rubbermaid tub she keeps full and her hens splash around in it during the day. She says they love it.
Hi friends I just wanted to hear some ideas on how you keep your chickens cool in summer. I live in a very warm area of California. It gets over 100 most of the summer. We kept this in mind when building our chicken run and built there run under a huge shade tree. The run also has a roof so chickens are not directly in the sun. In fact there area is all shaded. I'm still worried about keeping them cool. I have been taking water and wetting each one so they don't become over heated. Does anyone else have any better ideas on how to keep them cool? I was thinking of a misting hose to mist water what do you all think of that? Any more ideas are appreciated. Thanks for reading
I live in Idaho and our temps have been running really hot this week yesterday was 110 and my poor hens we so hot they have loads of shade here too but I just also put out gal jugs of water that were frozen and tipped over so when they thawed the water would drain into a pan they love it .... they walk in it and stand in it and drink the water too I keep one in the hen house and one under it you might try it can't hurt.
I like to slice up chilled watermelon for them. It helps keep them cool and I haven't met a chicken that doesn't like watermelon yet.
I know right my hens just have to see the watermelon and they come running I don't care where they are in the yard lol so funny looking
I posted earlier. I forgot to mention using "Electrolyte" and vitamin supplement for poultry. 1 pack in their water is suppose to help prevent dehydration. I buy it at the Feed Store. J
We also use some of the methods posted here like watermelon, fans and the wading pool. We only put about an inch of water in the pool (I read somewhere that chickens will sometimes cool off by standing in puddles). We also made a waterer that can be filled with ice. Here is a video that shows it:

Bob- Penland's Peeps
I like the Idea of the paddle waterier <sp> but I have not seen them here in Idaho anyone else seen them here please let me know I have the nipple water bucket but I don't think my girls are at all interested so thinking the paddle water might work better also like the ice tube sound like a great idea.
Hypertay: i read how you have broody hens, and judging by your comment you don't want them to be broody anymore? I have the same problem every month with three of my hens trying to be little mothers. I have a few hand me down dog kennels, and I use one medium sized one for my broody buster. I take the plastic floor out of the cage so it's just wire all around, set it on the roosts, and put food and water for them. Not putting any bedding helps air flow, and doesn't allow them to feel cozy like they do in the nesting box. Sometimes I fit two birds in one, and it takes about three to four days to break them. My girls are just over a year old and I've had to do this method a dozen fact I have a broody mother right now. So I put her in the cage for now and in a few days I'll let her out. I do take her out at least once every day so she can stretch, run around, and remember how nice it is to be outside and not stuck in a stuffy nesting box day in and day out. So just a helpful tip!

Also on the subject of this thread. I take plastic containers and fill them with water and put frozen berries:strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, black berries, and freeze it into an ice cake and they go nuts over it. I have this one hen that will go after the ice like it's the best thing in the world...she'll hoard it in the corner and crack the heck out of it!! it keeps them cool while it is still frozen, and provides an some nose diving in nice cool water.

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