keeping chickens cool in summer heat

We had a surplus of tomatoes from our plants so I freeze them and give them to my birds, and also give them frozen ears of corn from last year's harvest. They like it when I spray down the side of the run with the fan on it, even though they run away at first. As soon as the water spray stops they run over there and dig dig dig! They had all but stopped eating their crumbles so I started making a mash with cool water, and adding unsweetened applesauce, chopped apples and pears, tomatoes, and soaked scratch.

I still have 2 broody hens that sit on top of each other all day in the nest box. To keep them from baking in the coop I make them sit out in the run during most of the day. I tried the ice cubes in the nest box trick to break the broodyness but it didn't work and made the other laying hen upset.

If you can keep them off the nest 24hrs a day for 3 days you should find they loose interest. I just put my broodies in a little side run during the day and lock them off the nest at night. No boxes no ice cubes and never had one still broody after 3 days.
This is a very helpful thread as we come out of winter with our new faverolles I'm starting to think about how to keep this heat susceptible breed cool this summer. Lots of good tips!

Last year I set up a mister using garden watering system pipe etc held up by our swing set :). Life saver on two super hot days when it hit 45deg Celsius (113f) I've redone our run now and plan to incorporate one into the permanent structure somehow so I can hook it up to our automatic watering system so I can program it to come on while I'm at work if we get high temps forecast.
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I am new to backyard joined a few minutes ago.

We are in the middle of a heat wave here in Adelaide Australia 40 degress celsius

I have 10 chicks from 4 - 6 wks old am frantically trying to keep them cool.

I shut their shed because they insisted on being inside way too hot.

Have put them under a huge leafy peach tree with ice bottles in their water so they can stand in also ice bottles in their drinking water do you have any other suggestions?

I am new to backyard joined a few minutes ago.

We are in the middle of a heat wave here in Adelaide Australia 40 degress celsius

I have 10 chicks from 4 - 6 wks old am frantically trying to keep them cool.

I shut their shed because they insisted on being inside way too hot.

Have put them under a huge leafy peach tree with ice bottles in their water so they can stand in also ice bottles in their drinking water do you have any other suggestions?
I put fans in my coop and a baby pool with a little water and ice. Sometimes I turn on a sprinkler when they free roam, they love that! Hope this helps. Good luck.
My chickens love watermelon! Try freezing a few slices too. I also took plastic food containers and put water, fruits and veggies in it and froze it for a nice treat. I also put up a fan and they would lay down in front of it.

If you read through this thread you will get some great ideas. I'm a new chicken momma and I tried everything and found options that worked.
Water for them to stand in is the easiest way to cool them off. When the heat gets serious here, I build them little cinder-block houses and trickle water over them with a hose. Water soaks into the brick, and when the breeze blows, it evaporates and cools the inside of the "house". It doesn't take the chickens long to figure out that if they get to hot, they can spend a few minutes inside of the "cooling box" to get back to a more reasonable temperature.
Here my chicks are trying to stay cool in front of the fan!
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Here's how to make a mini air conditioner. things: small PLASTICK box with lid, two very small battery powered fans, a razor blade, zip ties, ice.

Take your box cut two holes (with razor blade) the size of your fans in the top of lid. Place fans (one blowing in one blowing out) on lid. Cut a few small holes around the fans and thread zip ties through holes and wire of the fan. Put ice in box and please on cover. Turn on.
Here's how to make a mini air conditioner. things: small PLASTICK box with lid, two very small battery powered fans, a razor blade, zip ties, ice.

Take your box cut two holes (with razor blade) the size of your fans in the top of lid. Place fans (one blowing in one blowing out) on lid. Cut a few small holes around the fans and thread zip ties through holes and wire of the fan. Put ice in box and please on cover. Turn on.
Love it!!

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