Keeping chickens cool in the summer?

We put cake pans or simaler container and keep them full of ice scattered around and keep spots under trees watered down they love the damp cool dirt. We also have misters in the runs and when it gets really hot like it does here 109 114 is common we have water coolers some call them swamp coolers in their coops.
Hit 97 Oregon!! Go figure...problem here is we are in the eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountains Range at elevation 4,543. So when it gets anything over 90 it's like the trees just 'suck' the air right out of you....awful. Girls are doing okay, though. Thier temporary run is in deep shade and I keep the sprinkler on low so it just hits inside the run by about a foot or so. So far so good kinda sorta....

Evaporation makes for great cooling here in the desert. :) I have a small rubber feed pan that I fill with snacks and water and freeze, as well as a large rubber feed pan I fill with plain water. I put the ice blocks in the run today and they definitely helped keep my girls cool! It was noticeably cooler around the blocks. The rubber feed pans are nice because the ice blocks just pop right out.

I also fed them mint today, since mint is cooling.
The coop we have for the girls has an inside and an outside, but they don't like being inside unless they are in the nest box. The outside has tall grass that helps a little, and we have some shade from above, plus loose dirt they can dust bath in. We also went to the home improvement shop and got the little misters that you can attach for a patio space. They aren't thrilled with them, but the water is so little that they don't get that wet and it drops the temp in the area, and that is more important. We have to have things that we can set in the morning and leave for the day, since we both work, and the mister is our main plan for those really hot days. (It's a trick that I picked up from the zoo, since they do it for humans and some of the animals.)
I live deep in the woods, as it looks like you do too. My flock is 9 weeks old and I have had them free ranged all day since they were 5 weeks. I have seek hawks in the area but they have never been a bother. If you are outside often you should give them a moment to "spread their wings". Not meaning to be demanding just a suggestion if free range is what you want.
I live in southern Arizona, temperatures for the last week have been 110+. This is what I do:

Shallow pans full of water for them to wade in.
Entire run is deep litter that I water down about 3 times a day.
Tarps over top of run for shade, shade cloth on sides of run.
Box fan in the run.
Frozen water bottles.
Frozen fruits to eat (watermelon).

Hopefully, our summer monsoon season is getting ready to start, this will drop the temps somewhat, but as punishment, the humidity will go through the roof!

My dh designed a veggie / fruit tether ball using a long threaded eye bolt with a larger washer and wing nut at the end. I raise extra veggies (tomatoes, zucchini , cucumbers), partially freeze them then skewer and hang from the rafter of our covered run. They get to play, eat and get cool all at the same time!
Great idea! Mine love small fresh red rose petals floating in their open pan, they race to gobble them up!

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