Keeping chickens cool in the summer?

Hey PrimroseMom1, I like the pipe cleaner/curtain hook idea.
I have pigeons. I take 1 litre(1 quart) juice containers(plastic) that I cut a 1&1/2" hole in about 1&1/2" from the bottom.
I then drill a hole in the cap to put a knotted piece of wire through then hook it on to a nail or screw on a wall stud.
I put the pigeon's vitamin powder in the bottles.
Pigeons aren't really hot weather creatures but I don't have to cool their coops.
My chickens do require coolness though and I am positive they will really enjoy this idea of yours.
Last week we had cold winds from the north that required a heat lamp in the coop(my house furnace even kicked on).
It wasn't so bad but yesterday went all he wat up to +34*C with a humidex of 109, whatever that means. I just know it was really, really muggy.
The cold last week is typical central Manitoba weather ...... FOR EARLY SPRING OR LATE FALL! lol
The heat we had yesterday is uncommon but not unheard of..for here.
However, if this keeps up,I will really need to employ your's as well as others' methods to cool my coop.
Thanks BYC members.

Oh ya... To add... My coop is kind of small (12X6(or so)) to house 63 birds but most of them are for fall butchering.
It has 4" insulated walls and 6" insulated ceiling. The ceiling is sloped from 6' in front to 55" in back. Metal roof, OSB ext walls and fir int..
The floor is 3/4" pine (not insulated), and is 3 feet off the ground. The birds like it under there. It's cooler and it's too high for predators like skunks etc to hide under. Kinda wet right now though. With cold winds we had a lot of rain.
In winter I hang tarps from the wall at floor level to the ground and bank with straw bales and snow. A 60watt incandescent bulb kept on all winter under there keeps the floor warm. Maybe I'll figure a way to cool it using methods found on BYC.
Here's a great idea for keeping 'em cool in this summer heat!

Freeze corn kernels in a muffin tin with water . When frozen bag them up for a quick and cool treat for your ladies!
Here's a great idea for keeping 'em cool in this summer heat!

Freeze corn kernels in a muffin tin with water . When frozen bag them up for a quick and cool treat for your ladies!
Great idea, but I thought I read on here somewhere that corn and BOSS actually helps them generate more heat. I'm confused....but don't pat yourselves on the back - at my age that's very easily done!
I haven't built a coop/run yet, but in Florida is is just common sense to make outdoor areas accessible most of the time. I have a misting system for the lanai and was wondering if it would keep my ladies cook if I used it for their area??
Great idea, but I thought I read on here somewhere that corn and BOSS actually helps them generate more heat.  I'm confused....but don't pat yourselves on the back - at my age that's very easily done!

I appreciate the idea. It shows ingenuity....and compassion for your birds.
That being said, yes, corn does have a lot of fat content. BOSS does too, maybe a bit higher than corn. Fat translates into heat.
This I know for a fact. I live in an area that requires fat content just to survive winter. I would have lost practically my whole flock of 80 if I hadn't used corn.
The reason I initially wanted it was because it was cheap at the time. I was curious as to it's nutritional analysis so I did a little research. As it turned out it was perfect for my requirements....well maybe not perfect but pretty darn close.
Personally I think I would use your idea to do the same with watermelon or zucchini or even fruit, like apples or peaches.
Less calories and more salt and sugars.
Hope this is helpful to all BYC'ers
I appreciate the idea. It shows ingenuity....and compassion for your birds.
That being said, yes, corn does have a lot of fat content. BOSS does too, maybe a bit higher than corn. Fat translates into heat.
This I know for a fact. I live in an area that requires fat content just to survive winter. I would have lost practically my whole flock of 80 if I hadn't used corn.
The reason I initially wanted it was because it was cheap at the time. I was curious as to it's nutritional analysis so I did a little research. As it turned out it was perfect for my requirements....well maybe not perfect but pretty darn close.
Personally I think I would use your idea to do the same with watermelon or zucchini or even fruit, like apples or peaches.
Less calories and more salt and sugars.
Hope this is helpful to all BYC'ers

Oooops. Sorry Blooie. Meant it for iwiw60
I put water in old milk or juice jugs and freeze them. I put them in the coop and all of mine love sitting by them and sometimes even perching on them! It helps keep them cool for a while, and I just always keep a frozen jug on hand to switch out with the ones that melt.

This is genius!!!
I keep frozen 2 ltr bottle of water in my back freezer. I am so doing this for my sweet girls in this Louisiana summer heat... Thnx for the tip

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