Keeping Chickens Free Range

Along the same thinking as above poster: hungry chickens are much more willing to comply with your wishes. If you take the feed away at night, and then feed them in the area you want them to spend their day, they will be very likely to run to where ever you want them to be, especially if you shake a can of scratch, and toss a few grains ahead of you as you go. I predict you will have them trained in less than a week. Be sure that front yard has plenty of places where they can hide from predators.
, any updates on your search for a pup?  Did it work out with the GP? 

No it seems to have fallen through. I told her I was interested, willing to pay her asking price, asked when I could pick up, and she never responded.
Kind of soured me and I haven't been back on to look again. Need to though, at least I have not lost any more birds.

, any updates on your search for a pup?  Did it work out with the GP? 

No it seems to have fallen through. I told her I was interested, willing to pay her asking price, asked when I could pick up, and she never responded.

Kind of soured me and I haven't been back on to look again. Need to though, at least I have not lost any more birds.

That's too bad.  Maybe she's been held up with something and will still get back to you.  Whether it's that one or not, something will come through.  Glad you haven't lost any more. Did your husband cave on the big dog issue?

Well no, but seeing as she never got back to me, I honestly never bothered bringing it up. I figured I wouldn't have that fight until it was worth fighting about.
That's too bad. Maybe she's been held up with something and will still get back to you. Whether it's that one or not, something will come through. Glad you haven't lost any more. Did your husband cave on the big dog issue?
Well no, but seeing as she never got back to me, I honestly never bothered bringing it up. I figured I wouldn't have that fight until it was worth fighting about.

Fair enough.
I love him and the other pictures in the farm photography thread. Speaking of which, you should all join that and/or post some of the otherother gorgeous photos of him from there :) though this one is gorgeous too, he's just a gorgeous photogenic dog lol

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