keeping chickens in Kauai?


9 Years
May 5, 2010
Portland, Oregon
I'm not sure if this is the proper category but I can't seem to find an answer to this question on Google. Do people keep domestic chickens on Kauai? I know there are thousands of feral chickens all over the island but I'm wondering if people have access to buy domestic breeds like orpingtons or wyandotte etc. My husband and I are seriously thinking about relocating there!
Although feral chickens abound on Kauai, the result of hurricanes on the domestic chicken population, initial red jungle fowl populations, lack of predators and a bunch of other theories, Chapter 22 of the Kauai County Code would address domestic pets and chickens, However, I can't find an online copy of it, so a trip to your public library may be the answer. Subdivisions like Princeville specifically prohibit pet chickens in their covenants. There are agricultural areas on the island with several commercial chicken ranches. Here is a link to a place that sell Sebrights in Kauai County:

If you email them, they may have more information on domestic and backyard chicken keeping on the island.
Hope this helps

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Aloha - calvincoop

i live on kauai and yes you can get domestic chickens here - some of the local feed stores will have chicks from time to time - i have a few BR and bantams from them (although my BR have all not done well and i think it has to do with where ever they came from - i know one of the feed stores that closed used to get there chicks from mexico ) also you can have chicks shipped from a few hatcheries on the mainland (only select ones will go through the hassle of extra paperwork and permits to ship poultry here) and then theres craigslist - hit or miss - i have 4 great EE that i got from someone on CL and also my phoenix. i think that here because of pests/parasites and the like from feral birds makes some breeds not do well, they are just not as strong as the game birds- i have been working on breeding some wild/feral game bird blood into my birds to make them more resistant to conditions here. we just had our first hatch - three chicks are just over a week old and doing great!!! if your seriously thinking of moving here - there is plenty to consider!! if you need some birds when you get here - im sure i can help - i have 2 more broody hens right now!
Thanks so much for your reply. So good to know! Do the feral hens lay an egg everyday like domestic hens do? Also do people have feral chickens that live on their property that can come and go? Or have a coop that the feral chickens sleep in? are some of the feral chickens friendly or personable? Sorry if these are silly questions. I think even if people didn't keep domestic chickens there I still would be able to get my chicken fix with all the wild chickens! They're absolutely everywhere! A chicken lovers dream! Did you always live in Kauai or did you move there?
I know this is any old post, but I have seen some articles about Honolulu and you are only allowed two chickens. Does that affect us here as well?

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