Keeping chickens on grower feed vs. switching to layer?


Jun 10, 2022
Our hens have been on Purina Starter/Grower feed (they are 20 weeks). One of ours started laying today and we have planned to switch to layer feed. I’ve been hearing, however, that some people think it’s best to stay with the grower feed long term and just add calcium (oyster shells). I would love to hear some thoughts on which is really best for the health of my chickens. We only have hens (no roosters so all-flock isn’t necessary). Thanks in advance.
Our hens have been on Purina Starter/Grower feed (they are 20 weeks). One of ours started laying today and we have planned to switch to layer feed. I’ve been hearing, however, that some people think it’s best to stay with the grower feed long term and just add calcium (oyster shells). I would love to hear some thoughts on which is really best for the health of my chickens. We only have hens (no roosters so all-flock isn’t necessary). Thanks in advance.
Hey it could be different over there but just check there is no withholding period for eggs intended for human consumption. There is a 7 day WHP on eggs with our available grower feed

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