Keeping Chickens When You Have Arthritis.

Fill in this blank: I wish I ____________________________.

For me it would be two things. I wish I had pressed the doctor sooner to send me to a rheumatologist and I wish I had learned to ask for help doing hard chores sooner.

Trust me. There is no crime in asking for help. No shame. I adore landscaping. But realistically I know I can't do the heavy stuff like I used to without paying for it with pain and stiffness afterwards.

Maybe you coul split the difference with the landscaping. Do the light weight stuff an save the heavier for somebody you can hire.

How am I Miss Penny? DH and I had a HAM radio club meeting today so we went into town and grabbed a burger at burgerking before heading to the meeting. The bill was 10.60. I handed the cashier 2 5$bills and deftly dug 60 cents out of my coin purse. I say deftly because usually my fingers feel like polish sausages but today they were nimble and didn't fumble around the litter of change I always have in my wallet. :celebrate

SO safe to say that after 4 shots of Methotrexate, I'm finally showing improvement!
I have completed 9 weeks of Methotrexate and came off Prednisone. My lab work shows my inflammation markers are just continuing to rise, and my symptoms just keep getting worse. I feel as bad or worse than 8 months ago when they started the methotrexate! Nurse said MD would discuss with me when I see her this Thursday. I feel like the methotrexate isn’t working. She took me off prednisone because my wbc count was elevated. It came down to normal off the prednisone. I am so tired of the debilitating fatigue and all over joint pain and flu like symptoms.
Fill in this blank: I wish I ____________________________.

For me it would be two things. I wish I had pressed the doctor sooner to send me to a rheumatologist and I wish I had learned to ask for help doing hard chores sooner.

Trust me. There is no crime in asking for help. No shame. I adore landscaping. But realistically I know I can't do the heavy stuff like I used to without paying for it with pain and stiffness afterwards.

Maybe you coul split the difference with the landscaping. Do the light weight stuff an save the heavier for somebody you can hire.

How am I Miss Penny? DH and I had a HAM radio club meeting today so we went into town and grabbed a burger at burgerking before heading to the meeting. The bill was 10.60. I handed the cashier 2 5$bills and deftly dug 60 cents out of my coin purse. I say deftly because usually my fingers feel like polish sausages but today they were nimble and didn't fumble around the litter of change I always have in my wallet. :celebrate

SO safe to say that after 4 shots of Methotrexate, I'm finally showing improvement!
You're right. I need to start asking for help, I just don't want to have to. :hmm
So, this isn't really chicken rearing or arthritis. But, yesterday I was prepping an area in the yard to beautify. I might have been out about 2 hours.
Today I am run down and sore. My back is aching too. I don't feel like I did a lot and I used to spend all day out there. I'm so sad that I've gotten to this point. :hit
I did haul the sod to the chickens and ducks - so technically it is chicken related. :) Plus, I have arthritis (pretty sure just not diagnosed) in my thumbs which makes certain chores unmanageable- can anyone help me open a jar or a bottle please? :confused:
Ugh. I don't think of myself as old either.
My husband suggested we hire someone to do the landscaping, but I refuse. I guess I can just do it 2 hours at a time ... every other day. :cool:
If it keeps you moving and you can handle it, then keep doing the landscaping.

Movement is good for arthritis even when it hurts
Boy do I know that Ron ... @Kfults prednisalone is why I have osteo arthritis now to go with my good old fashioned arthritis
It really makes a difference to keep moving. When I do not do my back exercises, I suffer quite a bit.
I feel for you people that have arthritis. Fortunately, I have avoided that so far. If any of you are on facebook, you might want to search for a group called Turmeric Users Group. They use a simple concoction called Golden Paste that many, many of them swear helps their arthritis. They have the recipe on there and they also will help explain which drugs may have interactions. There are over 270,000 members! They are using it for themselves and their dogs and horses. I haven't tried it myself, but the posts I see are impressive.
I have completed 9 weeks of Methotrexate and came off Prednisone. My lab work shows my inflammation markers are just continuing to rise, and my symptoms just keep getting worse. I feel as bad or worse than 8 months ago when they started the methotrexate! Nurse said MD would discuss with me when I see her this Thursday. I feel like the methotrexate isn’t working. She took me off prednisone because my wbc count was elevated. It came down to normal off the prednisone. I am so tired of the debilitating fatigue and all over joint pain and flu like symptoms.
I am so sorry.:hugsI do know how you feel.

Have you ever been tested for Lyme disease or have you any memory of ever being bitten by a tick? I was treated for Lyme back in 09/10 and the flu symptoms stick in my head. I was sick enough to die and wonder why I didn't. No joint pain but I did have nerve pain that was almost unbearable.

Whatever you have going on I hope the doctors can get to the bottom of it for you. Not knowing is half the battle.

Steroids have always helped me also. Tried to limit them to only 4 shots a year but I needed to quit that route. Steroids are just plain nasty as far as side effects. The Methotrexate isn't perfect for me. I am having side effects. Fatigue the day of my injection, loss of appetite and today I suddenly developed light sensitivity. Bright lights hurt my eyes. Unpleasant but as long as they don't worsen I think I can tough it out.
They were giving me 500mg iv once a week 60 mg daily also at the same time
I was getting radiation to my eye sockets twice weekly more than a year of steroids tying to save my vision so we will never know why I was left with what I was just enough to get in trouble allot :gig:confused:
I feel for you people that have arthritis. Fortunately, I have avoided that so far. If any of you are on facebook, you might want to search for a group called Turmeric Users Group. They use a simple concoction called Golden Paste that many, many of them swear helps their arthritis. They have the recipe on there and they also will help explain which drugs may have interactions. There are over 270,000 members! They are using it for themselves and their dogs and horses. I haven't tried it myself, but the posts I see are impressive.
Tumeric is an amazing herb. Became familiar with it back when I was going through the Lyme treatment. It's a very popular natural occuring antibiotic and anti-inflammatory.

Yep, bodies in motion stay in motion. I got instructions to keep active. No problem there. Always something to do around our farm and in my spare time I'm embroidering quilt squares so my fingers are getting a daily workout.

What have y'all been told about jogging? I've read that running is what I think they call a concussion sport that helps bones fight osteoarthritis, but on the other hand I read that jogging is contraindicated in RA or the other inflammatory conditions. I love to run but I also have cycling I can fall back on and lots of beautiful fall days ahead to do it in.

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