Keeping fox or cat away


5 Years
Oct 8, 2014
My six chickens had run of my one acre, high fenced orchard and love free ranging all day. In the last week, something has gotten 2 of my chickens during the afternoon, broad daylight and dragged them UNDER the fence. I suspect either a cat or a fox. My chickens are miserable being locked up in coop all day, even though its 300 square feet. Any ideas of how to keep them away during day time?
Sorry for the circumstances. Take a day off and wait with a loaded shotgun or place a snare where the predator is entering/exiting your run.
So sorry about your flock. Yes, you need to hang around and figure out what is doing this. You could do a live trapping or as Sourland stated, shoot the thing. Hopefully nothing moves in to take it's place.

You can also do supervised free ranging. I can't let my birds out without complete supervision due to all the predators lurking and flying everywhere. I just let them out and work around the yard for an hour while the birds get some exercise. I make several head counts too during this time. If I have more time, I might get them out again later in the day for the same time.

Oh, and welcome to BYC!!

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