Keeping my rooster friendly.

I have a rooster named Pepper that I never intended to be the little cuddle bug he is now, and he is almost 6 years old. He came in a group of easter egger chicks that I order that were all supposed to be hens. I hand-raised and coddled them all until I noticed that he was actually a rooster. I left him alone and ignored him from there on out and when he was fully mature and completely out of his adolescent years, I approached him again, and now he lets me hold him whenever and actually enjoys the attention (as long as the girls aren't watching "Mom you're embarrassing me" :lau). I tried the same trick on another rooster and it worked. So maybe hold him and coddle him a little until he is around a month or 2 old, or when he starts getting cocky (pun unintended). Then just ignore him until he is no longer an impulsive teenager.
Some boys are just sweet as honey! You have a wonderful boy there. 💖
We got a Buff Cochin as the Surprise in an order. Was a friendly bird until the wheels fell off. Would actually attack people slamming into the run fencing. Grandson was just 2-3 at the time. Number 6 bird shot made him friendly again. I don't waste a minute with aggressive roosters.

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