Keeping Peafowl, pheasant, and quail in a tractor? Can you? Do you?


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
I am wondering, I am looking to expand my flock to include some peafowl and maybe some pheasants. I am thinking, that it would be nice to have several tractors of various sizes and being able to move the around so they have fresh ground.

I could see doing it for pheasants, or baby peafowl, but peafowl get pretty big and a males tail can get like 6 feet long, so it would have to be a very long and very wide tractor, you'd have to call it a trailer!
LOL. A peafowl trailer.

I know that peacocks need at least 10' to be able to spread their tails. I just figured that as long as the structure was light enough(PVC) I could make it large enough. I wouldn't have many peafowl, I don't see myself have anymore than five, and not even that many in a "trailer" together. LOL

Do pheasants dig much? I would hate to find out the hard way that they'll scratch a lot and find a way out. I haven't had pheasants yet, so I don't know.

Hi Kim. For the peafowl it also needs to be at least 6 feet tall because they roost 5 feet off the ground at night. So could not be like the tractors i have seen. It would have to be a very large pen. I have about 15 x30x 8 feet tall with 2 adults and 3 babies and it is too small now. I need to add on another so that it will be about double that before the babies become adult size. Since they spend a lot of time in there i want them to have enough room to entertain themselves and play.

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