Keeping the coop warm in a cold area

Hi Sue - If you have a little dog house in there, I might be considering just leaving that in there for their huddle. If they already go in and use it, then you're home free, really. And yes, it's normal for them to pile up like puppies. Mine still do that - even more so when it gets cold. Makes me laugh. When I check on them (while they're asleep on the roost) they look like one big brown pompom.

I'd recommend steering clear of the heating pad. Especially if you end up going with deep litter. It's probably not all that much of a fire hazard, but why risk it if you don't really have to? I'd still try steering you towards a heating bulb that is up off the ground level....

PS - thanks for the nice comments on my page. I love my buffies. Even if they are 4 complete ding dongs. They do really well in our cooler temperatures and they have a lovely disposition. Now if I could just get them to quit molting (it's snowed already for jimmeny's sake!) and start laying again... they are sooooooo spoiled..... oh, and I got my chickens on MPC - was a great vendor to deal with. The shipping was expensive, but then again, when ISN'T shipping expensive??? Highly recommended.

ETA: edited because you'd think I learned to spell in college but maybe not...
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Sounds like you're doing fine. Glad to hear the height is 8'. You may wish to put a piece of scrap 4x4 in the little dog house for them so that they can sleep above any droppings they will certainly leave in there. Comfy little spot for them!

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