Keeping the pen clean?


May 26, 2019
Upstate NY
Hey everyone,

I just wondered what everyone's strategies were to keeping their duck pens/runs clean.

I keep my ducks in pens rather than free-ranging them because they're pets and I don't want to worry about predators, etc. etc. The pens are smaller than I'd like because of space considerations - it's one large 16x16 pen divided in half. So I have four girls on one side in a 128sqft pen and three boys on the other in a 128sqft pen.

Obviously whenever the pen is a little too small it's going to get dirty faster. I use straw for bedding. Really my concern is keeping it hygienic for the ducks.

Do folks deep-litter their pens, i.e. should I cover up dirty spots with more straw? Or should I scoop out the dirty spots frequently?

What do you do with the used/dirty bedding? I could take it to the dump, but I think it would get pretty expensive. Can it be used for something at home?

Thanks for your time & help!
we use hemp bedding and it stays drier longer and there is less of a smell then with wood shavings or straw, i also clean all the poopy spots daily and do a full cleaning once a week
You clean weekly with what and how? I hose mine out daily and remove straw daily and it's also getting messy we had an ov er abundance of babies born..17 to be exact and now well we went from 4 21. How do I keep their pen Clean. Is 12ft long x 13feet wide x 6 feet tall.. and another outside run that is 48 Sq ft and that is where the drakes are currently...only 2... I would also like.ideas. I have sand allin the bottom of my pen and hose it out daily. except their sleepping areas which are straw.. id love help you. Thks
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I use pelletized horse bedding, and I pick up clumps daily. Ducks are messy.
What is pelletized bedding and where can you get this ? I was planning on just adding more sand but I have drainage issues... due to the door not closing we had to dig down so the water does not exiting we would like.. and areas outside the door and outward its a muddy mess..
I use big stall mats for horses in my pens, the ones with holes in them. That way the water runs through but the top stays dry. I keep a little bed of hay on one of them far away from water for if they want to lay down or whatever. It stays very clean and works great.

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