

11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
Albany, Tx
we bought a pair of guinea keets along with some chicks. the chicks are already very tame and easy to handle .but the keets are wild as can be . will they ever tame down to be handled or not?
I believe it is possible to tame them somewhat, but it takes A LOT of patience, and time. I believe there is a post on here somewhere, about how to do it. Just do a search for it... Good luck!
mine never became tame. In fact, even when one was injured recently, and I caught it, it would NOT let itself be treated, though I tried, and I have the scars to prove it.
I actually like mine to be a little wild. They are just a bird that should be in my opinion. However mine do tolerate me being around them they just don;t let me get to close and they will come up to you especially around feeding time.
That is what mine do as well. They will come up for food, until I move, then they run away. They will also go to roost in the tree, if there is anyone outside around roosting time. They flat out will not go to the barn if there is anyone around.
mine are skittish also. The grown ones come running when they see me in the yard but I cannot touch. They follow me into the coop to see what there is to eat but prefer roosting in the rafters of the big garage or recently, the trees. Once in a great while they will roost in with the chickens. I let them do their own thing. Except for the fifteen that hatched this morning in the garden. we put mama and babies into the brooder pen until the keets are big enough to fly with mom. See -We have mess of keets post to see brooder pen and tale.

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