Kentucky people

Reply to Kennedys cochins

I will have limited number this Spring to sell, am hatching a few each week, thru late Spring.
The parent birds are exhibition quality and currently being shown.
The same with my Cochins, they are pure Rau line.
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I know that Ms Turbo has some really nice Silkies and she isn't to far from you.

we haven't hatched any yet and then we have to keep the first ones for Brianna to grow out for the fall shows

There are some KY shows coming might be able to find some there.
Kennedy, I have a few SQ Silkies for sale. I would have to check, but I think its 2 white roos, and two white hens. I have a pair of Partridge Silkies. They are all good I am just trying to make a little room.
I don't know where your located, but you can PM me if your interested.
Thanks you guys for replying. I would love the American Buff. But for now, Im going to try to look closer to home. Gas is just too high right now for me to drive that far. I do appreciate your responses though.


I'm receiving buckeye chicks from Duane Urch in April/May. Not sure how many I'm getting since they're filling the rest of an order of 25. I'm paying 8.50 each. PM me if interested. I'm rebuilding my flocks to change to black wyandottes.
from Harrodsburg, Kentucky


Just wanted to say welcome from Carter county.

BTW- um... your computer may not be showing the correct dates. this is one of the more active state threads

Hilarious!! That was one of my first postings and didn't understand how it worked.
Glad to see that KY people love their chickens like I do.
If yall know anybody that goes to the Sweets Feed store in Munfordville (Hart County) tell em to read my sign on the wall about eggs, roosters & chickes


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