Kentucky people

i got lots of critter i need to get read of just playing the waiting game on my ducks maken sure i get a male and female for my self but have 29 ducks and only want 10 of them their just now feathering out blue swede black swede kahki cambell pekin and i have 16 turkey chciks i need to get read of 82 quail chciks and some barred rock mix large brown layers pure breed black rose comb bantam bb red and dominque bantam mix chcicks need to sell or trade .....
I have a nice White Cochin Bantam pair for sale if anyone is interested. Smooth cockerel and frizzle hen, have pictures of them if interested just PM me and I will get them to you. Zip is 42642, Russell Springs/Jamestown is where I am located. Asking $65 for the pair. Nothing wrong with them at all, just need to make room for the birds I decide to keep from this years hatch. Would be great for 4-H or anyone interested in starting with White Cochin Bantams.

Does anyone else think we had a crappy winter? No snow...

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