Khaki Campbell Duckling Help

Coop Lanson

In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2016
Hello everyone! I have two Khaki Campbell's that are 4 weeks old. I've had them for two weeks now and they are stil terrified of me. I don't expect them to be pet like and affectionate but I've read that I do still need to get them used to being handled. I pick them up everyday to clean their brooders and I'm looking to move them outside soon since I'm in Florida. My concern is that since they are still so scared, even with them in small confinement handling them outside of the brooders will be difficult. I will have a 5x15 or 10x10 run(depending on how I set it up) with a duck house and one small chicken coop inside. They will be in the run before two younger chicks I also have. I just wanted to get some suggestions on getting them used to being in a run (I have no older ducks), being put away in their house at night and anything to help them not be so frightened in general.
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Sit on the ground or floor and put some treats out close to you. The way to a ducks heart is threw treats. Talk to them softly and encourage them to eat out of your hand. Try mealworms or peas or any type of greens except for iceberg lettuce. They should do fine in the pen they will enjoy being outside. I would keep them in the coop all day and let them out the following day. They get used to sleeping in their house. When you want them to go in the coop in the evenings get behind them and herd them to the doorway. Get a stick or just use your arm to point to the doorway. It may be difficult the first couple of days but they will soon learn and possibly go in on their own in about a week.
I have two khakis we love them and if you sit on the floor or grass they will eventually come to sit by you.just be patience they will learn to trust you

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