khaki Campbell heartbreaking hatch.


8 Years
Jul 30, 2013
Bought 12 eggs Metzers shipped 13 12 showed fertile when candling .. 10 eggs made it to the last 3 days. on day 30 (put in incu ator on 1 Aug) so far this has been a heartbreaking hatch. 5 already lost during the hatch/ partially hatched.

One is in the brooder 4 more partially hatched still attached to their shells in the incubator. No signs of life on day 28 (as in no pipped eggs) and had a hell of a time getting the humidity up.

I'm hoping to end up with 5 but not hopeful that those still in the incubator are going to make it.

I'm using the 9200 incubator, no egg turner, no fan.. had to physically turn the eggs 3 - 5 times a day. Candled about once a week.

I love the idea of hatching eggs but not the idea of over 50% losses..
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What temperature were you running the incubator at and where in the incubator were you measuring the temp from?

With no fan there can be a few degrees difference in different areas - such as higher to lower- and in the corners. If the temp was too low it can take a few extra days for them to hatch. It could also explain the losses - but there are a few other causes late in development as well.

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