Kidnapped and Transformed -Restarted-

Rielle's eyes widened as she saw what she had been served. She wanted to gag, but also felt like she wanted to eat it. Raw meat?! She thoight. Why raw meat? She grimaced, but finally took a bite, too hungry to go without eating. And it didn't seem like she was going to be given anything else.
(I wanted to make another charrie, and since there wasn't very many mermaids, I figured I'd make one. :D)

Name: Jaclyn (Jackie)
Age: 17
Gender: F
Type: mermaid
Appearance (or picture.):


Personality: bubbly, can be extremely shy, self conscious, hates attention, doesn't like sympathy, strong willed, stubborn, kind, caring, sensitive, doesn't like it when people fight,
Picture of animal (If neko):
Username: MolyBrownROX13
Last edited:
(Who wants to be the charrie who spills water on Yuki?)
Yuki looked up at Charles. "I hope so...."

Charles nodded.

(I wanted to make another charrie, and since there wasn't very many mermaids, I figured I'd make one. :D)

Name: Jaclyn (Jackie)
Age: 17
Gender: F
Type: mermaid
Appearance (or picture.):


Personality: bubbly, can be extremely shy, self conscious, hates attention, doesn't like sympathy, strong willed, stubborn, kind, caring, sensitive, doesn't like it when people fight,
Picture of animal (If neko):
Username: MolyBrownROX13


Kidnapped Form

Name: Jason




Appearance (or picture.): The Pictures won't show up.

Personality: Indifferent, Doesn't Care if they escape because he has nowhere to go.

Picture of animal (If neko): The Pictures won't show up.



(If you mean lunch room then yeah, shed be with everyone else.)

Rielle at down at the luck table, her eyes flickering around the room. This was really weird.... There were mythical-type kids in the room! She and a few other people seemed to be the only other 'normal' kids around. Was she normal? She wasn't sure, but wasn't sure how to find out if she was or wasn't. She looked down at the food she got. Seaweed? You've got to be kidding me. They're treating me like a freaking fish?! she thought, but picked up a piece and took a bite.

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