Kidnapping Phoenixes and Other Ways to Die - Urban Fiction / Fantasy Book with Chickens! Any Additional Fiction/Fantasy YA/Adult Reading Suggestions?


Apr 8, 2022
North Alabama
So I recently came across an urban fiction/fantasy book series with chickens as characters in the book. I'm used to seeing them in books for children (Chicken Little, etc), but this was a book marketed to adults in the Urban Fantasy genre. The author did such a good job with it, I was rolling on the floor laughing throughout the book, and I wanted to share it with you guys. If you have other suggestions of books with chickens as characters, bring them on. I know Shadrach has been writing one, and has posted a few of his stories on here, so I'm waiting to hear when that one comes out.

Title: Kidnapping Phoenixes and Other Ways to Die
Author: Ramy Vance and Kat Lapatovich Healy

Basic plot and stuff I liked:

The heroine, Francis, is on the run from the magical mob and manages to steal an urn on the way out the door, which unbeknownst to her contains a phoenix. For a while she thinks she's schizophrenic because the phoenix keeps trying to talk to her. She settles in rural midwest USA in a small town as a magical creature veterinarian. Things happen, much drama occurs as well as many things that struck me as hilariously funny, eventually the world is saved.

My favorite character is the effeminate lizard/dinosaur-like battler demon, Clyde, who's been kicked out of hell, and is lonely, so he tricks Francis into becoming his master. He's fearsome looking, but actually not very good at being a demon. She spends a good portion of time trying to build up his self esteem so his fighting will improve so he can protect her. Clyde enters a bachelor auction that the town is putting on, and wins it, and the prize turns out to be 6 chicks, which imprint on him, and he loves them because his favorite food is eggs, and they lay eggs. He calls them his "pecklings". Mrs. Cluck makes it to adulthood, and Francis and her team run all over the country trying to find magical artifacts to save the world, etc, while dragging this chicken along with them. They make her a nest in the car, and let her out to forage when they stop to eat, and save her from being eaten by bad guys, etc. She even participates in some of the fights, and one of the other demons is designated as a "chicken-sitter" while Clyde is away. Mrs. Cluck acts like a chicken, obviously loves Clyde, and seriously, how many fantasy/urban fiction evil-fighting teams drag chickens around as they try to save the world?

For $0.99 on Amazon Kindle, it was TOTALLY worth the money and time it took to read that series! And also, chickens!!!

That book definitely sounds interesting!

I'm currently writing a book that has chickens in it. The main story isn't about them, but they do feature quite a lot in some parts.

One of them is a crested dark brown bantam rooster named Cold Brew (as in the coffee).
The Book of the Dun Cow sounds interesting. I will definitely have to check that out once I get through my current list of Things to Read.
The Book of the Dun Cow sounds interesting. I will definitely have to check that out once I get through my current list of Things to Read.
its pretty famous actually. Surprised more people haven't heard of it. Like the Chronicles of Narnia, its thinly veiled Christian (not Catholic) allegory (with a big nod to Chaucer) - so of course it won lots of awards, decades ago.

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