Kiki's 2021 New Year's Day Hatch

I’m obviously going to candle before day 10 but here are the dates.
I'm in trouble.

The original eggs that I was sure all died...are not dead yet.

They look horrible but I'm still seeing movement.

I swear I think they are still dying but maybe they aren't.
I'm wondering if they look so crappy because I'm so used to looking at quail eggs.
Those dark eggs can be really hard to see in! Although those don’t look too dark. 🤔 but I barely saw any movement if any in most of my eggs the entire time and swore they were all dead and almost all of them hatched! Granted I didn’t really know was I looking for but still. Even that EE you and everyone who did know thought for sure was dead with the bad veins hatched 😂😁 so they’re probably still alive aaaaanndd now you’re gonna be overrun! Or she is. I just caught up. Wow someone is going to have a lot of chicks! :th

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