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My university is one of several that offers a terminal MA/MS specifically for archaeologists working outside of academia. It is called Public Archaeology because we non-university types mostly do archaeology that is funded by, and hopefully of benefit to, the general public. For example, Park Service, Bureau of Land Managent, Forest Service and many other federal, state, and local agencies employ archaeologists. There are also many archaeologists that work at private companies doing legally mandated, government funded research and excavation associated with all sorts of construction projects.

Anyway, working and doing reasearch outside of academia requires a somewhat different skill set than being a professor, and there are a LOT more non-academic archs than professors so that is why some universities now offer us a special program.

BUT being the glutton for punishment that I am, after finishing my MA I decided to apply to a PhD program. Silly silly me.
Wow that is very cool, sounds like such a fascinating line of work.
Yes, silly you. 🤣 I know this is an awful question, but what do you want to do after school? Do you want to work in academics or in a more hands-on setting?
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