Kiki's B's Birthday Bash Backyard BBQ Bunny Banquet

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Wow that is very cool, sounds like such a fascinating line of work.
Yes, silly you. 🤣 I know this is an awful question, but what do you want to do after school? Do you want to work in academics or in a more hands-on setting?
Definitely not academia. I love doing public education like giving tours, making exhibits, hosting workshops, visiting schools etc but I really do not want to be a professor or any sort of full time teacher. Lecturing makes me super anxious lol.

In all honesty, I will probably just keep doing the same thing I am doing now 😆 I have been working for the state for the last two years and I actually really like it. I get to primarily analyze bones and write about them ( the BEST type of archaeology IMO), but also do some public outreach stuff. Basically all my favorite things.
:yaHAPPY BIRTHDAY ROO!!! :wee Here’s some Blackberry Birthday cake to go with your Beverage.
My body is only a vehicle for my soul to survive in. My soul feels so trapped in this fleshly prison. So full of promise and imagination is without bounds! I have seen too much, lived too long. I guess.for your sake, that you NEVER have to experience what I have been thru. I would
even cherish darkness, over neon lights! I say this as a friend!:hugs
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My body is only a vehicle for my soul to survive in. My soul feels so trapped in this fleshly prison. So full of promise and imagination is without bounds! I have seen too much, lived too long. I guess.for your sake, that you NEVER have to experience what I have been thru. I would
even cherish darkness, over neon lights! I say this as a friend!:hugs
Oh dear, that does really sound like a heavy load dragging you down. :hugs
My body is only a vehicle for my soul to survive in. My soul feels so trapped in this fleshly prison. So full of promise and imagination is without bounds! I have seen too much, lived too long. I guess.for your sake, that you NEVER have to experience what I have been thru. I would
even cherish darkness, over neon lights! I say this as a friend!:hugs
Spankins were taken on by the cat ... and administered by Crazy Dog ... much more entertaining, in my book, although the cat didn't seem to agree. One candle ... which was a tad disappointing, but ... it was in homemade tira misu, so the lack of fire was forgivable. And when I say homemade, that's not doing the cake justice. The chef is an Italian born, raised and trained professional. Vinny's tira misu is a true work of art!
So, all in all, I got away relatively unscathed ... unless you count the damage done by a half a bottle of Blackberry wine ...
One must balance that beverage with aqua in moderation so as to benefit from delayed intoxication and if you stay neutral then, like me - you should never experience any so called hangover ever again. I learned this from my Flight Surgeon when in the Navy at 19/20 yrs old. And for the honesty to goodness record, I have not had a hangover yet.

No one survives being told about assassin's school, because taking out the ones who know is on the final exam. It may be best to just pretend you never knew in the first place ...
Isn't that an awful lot like "Fight Club"??????
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