Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

66 this coming November.

We have eight very healthy active quackers. The little one in the boot is doing great.
Have 29 new duck eggs in the big cabinet incubator for another hatch. Going to see if the hatch is better in the big one.
And have 60 Wyandotte chicken eggs due to hatch April 30. Will candle them again tomorrow and they will go in to lockdown.
One hundred new babies!
You are nuts!

What color Wys?
I had to look so i thought I'd help out the other newbies.
We're picking up 2 blue-laced reds tomorrow to grow with our *hopefully* newly hatched. Never had a wyandotte yet, but the Mrs. wants a colorful bird. I know they won't be show quality, but I'm excited to see how they color.
That is a good deal to me!
here it would be about 9 mil in close to the coast.... IF you could find it... a fifty year old house on an R1 lot in La Jolla could cost between 1 and 1.5 mil ...

Prices vary There is no agricultural land here unless you want to grow Avocados or Strawberries or Flowers. Our three main crops. and Those Growing fields are surrounded by city mostly.... Cept Avocados they are grown in amongst Grainite rocks on the sides of hills.... Avocados grow best there because the granite keeps the moisture around.

Oh and NO Forrest and NO water.... All water comes from Wells or Transported from the Colorado River.

On the other hand, my parents bought a 132 acre farm (100 acres of woods and 32 acres of pasture/hay fields) in the center of WV for $200,000. Of course, it is 20 miles (30 min of driving) to get to the nearest real grocery store. It's only 7 miles if you settle for gas station convenience store crap.
I guess this is the difference between a country of 9.8 MILIONS Km2
To a country of 20,770 Km2.........
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I had to look so i thought I'd help out the other newbies.
We're picking up 2 blue-laced reds tomorrow to grow with our *hopefully* newly hatched. Never had a wyandotte yet, but the Mrs. wants a colorful bird. I know they won't be show quality, but I'm excited to see how they color.
Oh i love blue laced reds, here's mine. Wyandottes are a great breed, be careful though, I think I've become addicted to them hahah XD
Her lacing isn't 100% yet because she's still got more growing to do but I'm just in love with her already

This is her sister too, a splash laced red :)

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