Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

I had a list hanging in my office when I went to work with my husband (I call him Dr. Honey)as his office nurse/office manager called :

You know you are a nurse when.....
Here is a part of the list.
1. You wash your hands before you use the bathroom.
2. You know the smell of different diarrhea to identify it.
3. You check the caller ID on your day off to see if anyone from the hospital is trying to call and ask you to work.
4. Discussing bodily fluids over a gourmet meal seems perfectly normal to you.
5. Every time someone asks you for a pen you can find at least 4 of them on you
6. Your bladder can expand to the size of a Winnebago’s water tank.
7. You find yourself checking out other customer’s veins in grocery waiting lines.
8. Your finger has gone places you never thought possible.
9. You think caffeine should be available in IV form.
10. You’ve used the word ‘rationale’, the phrase ‘as evidenced by’, or quoted a nursing diagnosis in everyday life.
11. You have to leave a patient's room to keep from busting out laughing.
12. You begin to believe that certain people should be removed from a shallow gene pool
13 You finally accept the fact that there is no cure for stupid.

I wish I could remember more of them.
I eat while on BYC, guess I am use to eating and doing something else at the same time.
I wish I could pay attention to the tv and BYC at the same time. :barnie
I can't seem to find time to watch Sherlock again.

I got most of my quail cage done today. :woot
I had a list hanging in my office when I went to work with my husband (I call him Dr. Honey)as his office nurse/office manager called :

You know you are a nurse when.....
Here is a part of the list.
1. You wash your hands before you use the bathroom.
2. You know the smell of different diarrhea to identify it.
3. You check the caller ID on your day off to see if anyone from the hospital is trying to call and ask you to work.
4. Discussing bodily fluids over a gourmet meal seems perfectly normal to you.
5. Every time someone asks you for a pen you can find at least 4 of them on you
6. Your bladder can expand to the size of a Winnebago’s water tank.
7. You find yourself checking out other customer’s veins in grocery waiting lines.
8. Your finger has gone places you never thought possible.
9. You think caffeine should be available in IV form.
10. You’ve used the word ‘rationale’, the phrase ‘as evidenced by’, or quoted a nursing diagnosis in everyday life.
11. You have to leave a patient's room to keep from busting out laughing.
12. You begin to believe that certain people should be removed from a shallow gene pool
13 You finally accept the fact that there is no cure for stupid.

I wish I could remember more of them.
I really like 11, 12 and 13.
I had a list hanging in my office when I went to work with my husband (I call him Dr. Honey)as his office nurse/office manager called :

You know you are a nurse when.....
Here is a part of the list.
1. You wash your hands before you use the bathroom.
2. You know the smell of different diarrhea to identify it.
3. You check the caller ID on your day off to see if anyone from the hospital is trying to call and ask you to work.
4. Discussing bodily fluids over a gourmet meal seems perfectly normal to you.
5. Every time someone asks you for a pen you can find at least 4 of them on you
6. Your bladder can expand to the size of a Winnebago’s water tank.
7. You find yourself checking out other customer’s veins in grocery waiting lines.
8. Your finger has gone places you never thought possible.
9. You think caffeine should be available in IV form.
10. You’ve used the word ‘rationale’, the phrase ‘as evidenced by’, or quoted a nursing diagnosis in everyday life.
11. You have to leave a patient's room to keep from busting out laughing.
12. You begin to believe that certain people should be removed from a shallow gene pool
13 You finally accept the fact that there is no cure for stupid.

I wish I could remember more of them.
Can't wait to show this to DH when he gets home tonight. I thought I would pee my pants. Someone once asked why I washed my hands before going to the bathroom (we were at work) and I said I knew where my sh*t had been, but wasn't sure about the patient.:lau:lau
Just reminded me of a funny story another nurse told me when we all still in ICU. She was caring for a comatose patient who was recovering from intestinal surgery. Night shift ending and Doc walks in, sniffs the air in the room and says " great patient is recovering well, he is passing gas" poor nurse not wanting to compromise patient care, had to say, "Sorry, but that was me". :lau:lau :th
Just reminded me of a funny story another nurse told me when we all still in ICU. She was caring for a comatose patient who was recovering from intestinal surgery. Night shift ending and Doc walks in, sniffs the air in the room and says " great patient is recovering well, he is passing gas" poor nurse not wanting to compromise patient care, had to say, "Sorry, but that was me". :lau:lau :th
:gigYou expect us to believe that it WASN'T you?!
My grandma was some sort of nurse's aide at the hospital when she was young. She heard a joke about nurses and then went to work and repeated it because she didn't understand the meaning. "How do you tell which nurse is the head nurse? She has the dirtiest knees." And, of course, she told the joke to the head nurse whom she thought must have the dirtiest knees because she works the hardest... True story.

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