Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

I had a psych doc (nice guy, I nicknamed him Dr Dementia and it stuck) come through one night doing rounds on new admits and he asked me what my professional opinion was of a patient that had been admitted on my wing earlier that day. I knew the patient and without hesitation said "they're nuts" Doctor gave me a quizzical look and asked me if that was really my professional opinion and I assured him it was. He shrugged, went down the hall, chart in hand and came back a short time later, set down next to me at the desk and said 'You're right. They ARE nuts!'

This was always my favorite of the 'you know you're a nurse when' sayings. Funny thing is I still live by it to this day.

You believe that saying, 'It can't get any worse' causes it to get worse just to show you it can.

Anybody who wants to venture into what it really means to be a nurse, read this link, and try not to laugh so hard you wet yourself.
I had a psych doc (nice guy, I nicknamed him Dr Dementia and it stuck) come through one night doing rounds on new admits and he asked me what my professional opinion was of a patient that had been admitted on my wing earlier that day. I knew the patient and without hesitation said "they're nuts" Doctor gave me a quizzical look and asked me if that was really my professional opinion and I assured him it was. He shrugged, went down the hall, chart in hand and came back a short time later, set down next to me at the desk and said 'You're right. They ARE nuts!'

This was always my favorite of the 'you know you're a nurse when' sayings. Funny thing is I still live by it to this day.

You believe that saying, 'It can't get any worse' causes it to get worse just to show you it can.

Anybody who wants to venture into what it really means to be a nurse, read this link, and try not to laugh so hard you wet yourself.
These are hilarious.
A few I just don't get but most of them I can figure out.

I was recently stuck sitting in an ER with the Mini...little accident.
I could spot the frequent fliers a mile away. :barnie
I'm on broody watch. Got a first timer on three eggs, all bantam, due to hatch in three or four days...who knows with bantams, they are on their own time schedule.

Also found a neighbor who wants my extra bantam cross roosters to butcher for meat. Happy Happy Joy Joy!:celebrate
I bet they are going to be teeny tiny cute things when they hatch.
I still don't quite understand how little my quail are going to be once I start hatching them.
Midgets for sure.

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