Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

Yep, agreed, @Medda.

And on the other end of the scale, one night, after pronouncing a patient deceased and calling the family, etc, I had a CNA come up to me and ask me how we nurses did it? How did we remain so calm and emotionless when we dealt with death. I looked at her and told her not to think for a minute that we didn't feel each death deeply. The staff needs us to be professional, we have to be strong and comforting to the families who just lost a loved one. We shed plenty of tears, but usually it was something silly that would set us off and burst the dam of tears we had built up inside of us. For me it was hitting a bird with my car. Bawled for that bird, bawled for every patient I had watched breathe their last breath, bawled for the families, bawled my eyes out...then went to work and clocked in.

Being a nurse isn't easy, but there ain't nuthin' better than doing CPR on a patient and having them survive your efforts.
Good morning day 9.
Was up at 1:30 AM with my ear to the nests, hens slept and didn't peck me. Would have sworn I heard pipping sounds! But it is still too early, think I am imaging things due to lack of sleep. I get up and stick my head out of the window every time I hear anything at all. :lau:lau :cool:
What day are you on again? I need a cheat sheet.

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