Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

What day are you on again? I need a cheat sheet.
I think I have four or five days to go, was thinking they would hatch this Wed, but last week some looked like they may have been farther along. So to answer your question, I put them under the hens Wed. night, about 2 and a half weeks ago, making it about day 17. Still too early. will try to listen again today without getting pecked in the head, may even look under the hens.
My eggs are starting to get was much easier to see inside them in the first few days.
I really want these days to go by fast now!
Whether the eggs are under egg or in the incubator, I find the 21 days takes forever. But if you think this is slow, the 2 or 3 day wait between lockdown and hatch is worse.

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