Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

I have been sitting in a chicken coop for 12 hours. LOL Took a few pics, will take more when they are out and about and you can see more than 1 at a time poking it's head from under Mom.
Hi, everyone, as everyone thought, the 2 eggs that had pipped last night hatched during the night, bring the total for this hatch with 2 broodies to 2 Blue coppers, 6 black coppers, and either a wheaten or lavender!! 1 had pipped and was left in the nest this morning, so this one is on my bed watching TV under a sheet with wet paper towel and heating pad wrapped loosely around, we are using a candy thermometer and it says it's about 98 to 100 F near the egg (someone correct me if I am doing some thing wrong, please) Chick is moving peeping and starting to zip, so will continue to chick sit again today. Oh and yes I did place neosporin with NO LIDOCAINE Chick has zipped some more since I started this post. :fl
ETA: if this guy makes it, that will be 10 chicks hatched out of 14 after the musical hen game. LOL
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Hi, everyone, as everyone thought, the 2 eggs that had pipped last night hatched during the night, bring the total for this hatch with 2 broodies to 2 Blue coppers, 6 black coppers, and either a wheaten or lavender!! 1 had pipped and was left in the nest this morning, so this one is one my bed watching TV under a sheet with wet paper towel and heating pad wrapped loosely around, we are using a candy thermometer and it says it's about 98 to 100 F near the egg (someone correct me if I am doing some thing wrong, please) Chick is moving peeping and starting to zip, so will continue to chick sit again today. Oh and yes I did place neosporin with NO LIDOCAINE Chick has zipped some more since I started this post. :fl
Pics please

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