Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

These eggs are not from my flock. They are from my work.

They pretty much neglet the poultry at my work. No joke. One of the ducks is nearly completely bald. The poultry only ever have dirty poop filled water to drink. All of their 12 chickens are horrendously infested with mites and scaley leg mites and are very obviously diseased. And with the exception of the chickens, the poultry at my work are only fed a sole diet of straight up crushed corn. Nothing else. Ever. The way they care for their birds makes me livid. :mad:
Ok the chickens are the one who get feed a complete diet.
I see now.
So the other types of birds get only corn.

I'm afraid corn only diet sucks but it's not neglect.
One time one of my parents went to let the dog in from our fenced backyard. She wasn't there. So we spread out through the neighbourhood searching for her. I was still in my office clothes (including heels), so after about 45 minutes of searching I went home to change. There was the dog, sound asleep on my bed.

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