Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

RIGHT! I started with 17 eggs.

I had a broody duck on 17 eggs. She quit after 2 weeks. I left the eggs outside for 2 more days, hoping she would go back but she didn't. So i brought them inside to throw away. They sat for a while longer and silly me put them in the bator. Several quit, but I cranked up the humidity last Thursday on 8 eggs left, thinking they would hatch over the weekend. Still not, but they are still alive. I just put safe holes in a few of them. I'm doubtful any will hatch, but it was a good experiment.
I had a broody duck on 17 eggs. She quit after 2 weeks. I left the eggs outside for 2 more days, hoping she would go back but she didn't. So i brought them inside to throw away. They sat for a while longer and silly me put them in the bator. Several quit, but I cranked up the humidity last Thursday on 8 eggs left, thinking they would hatch over the weekend. Still not, but they are still alive. I just put safe holes in a few of them. I'm doubtful any will hatch, but it was a good experiment.
No. This is a not a good idea imo....just because this person choosing to feed his birds corn is not reason to cause problems for him.

I tried that already. He doesn't really seem to care. He is a man set in his ways.
Funny thing is, he feeds the chickens a balanced diet and bought chicken feed for the chicks. So, it's not like he doesn't know options exist.

I agree. I didn't say he was neglecting the birds, nor do I think that. I just don't agree with how he is raising his birds.

Thinking back on it, their poor health is probably a result of a continuously advanced mite infestation. I've cleaned out the chicken house several times and he never has me put anything down except fresh shavings. Suppose I could leave a note or something mentioning that he might want to look into a permethrin spray or dust.

I was referring more to the poor water conditions and bug infestations. They are being fed even if it just corn. But drinking dirty water and having bugs could kill them.

I wouldn’t want to make trouble for him either but sometimes the threat is enough for the person to take action. Generally if a call is made to some sort of authority they come out to investigate. Say “this, this and that needs to be taken care of. We will come back and check in x amount of days to see how things look.”

That’s just me. I realize livestock animals are seen as— well livestock. Treating for possible disease and parasites seems like better business practice to me.
I was referring more to the poor water conditions and bug infestations. They are being fed even if it just corn. But drinking dirty water and having bugs could kill them.

I wouldn’t want to make trouble for him either but sometimes the threat is enough for the person to take action. Generally if a call is made to some sort of authority they come out to investigate. Say “this, this and that needs to be taken care of. We will come back and check in x amount of days to see how things look.”

That’s just me. I realize livestock animals are seen as— well livestock. Treating for possible disease and parasites seems like better business practice to me.

If anything, livestock animals should be BETTER cared for, when it comes to cleanliness, food quality and parasite control. After all, that's intended to go on the dinner table, or its product (such as eggs) is. Me, I don't like eggs. I have birds for insect control! Supposed to be a really bad year for Mormon Crickets. They're already swarming up in the hills, I hear.

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