Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

Totally guessing here, but my bet is all the credits will transfer, but not all of them will be useful. For example, Cyprus might get 9 units of cultural awareness, when the degree requirement is only three....
I'd do for the life experience, credits or not.

I actually had a similar issue just moving across state lines. I had to bring my course syllabus in to prove that the class I'd taken was equivalent even though it was offered at a community college. It was literally the same class and professor teaching at the community college and local university and I was wise for taking the class at a fraction of the price. If I had gone to that local university, there wouldn't have been a question. But elsewhere? Well, thank goodness I had proof!
Totally guessing here, but my bet is all the credits will transfer, but not all of them will be useful. For example, Cyprus might get 9 units of cultural awareness, when the degree requirement is only three....
I read up on it a bit. Apparently, in Germany, if you study abroad you have a good chance of earning credits that will count towards your chosen major.
I'd do for the life experience, credits or not.

I actually had a similar issue just moving across state lines. I had to bring my course syllabus in to prove that the class I'd taken was equivalent even though it was offered at a community college. It was literally the same class and professor teaching at the community college and local university and I was wise for taking the class at a fraction of the price. If I had gone to that local university, there wouldn't have been a question. But elsewhere? Well, thank goodness I had proof!
I'm doing it for the experience as well. I want to learn more about the culture and history of Germany. I also want to improve my language skills.
I'd do for the life experience, credits or not.

I actually had a similar issue just moving across state lines. I had to bring my course syllabus in to prove that the class I'd taken was equivalent even though it was offered at a community college. It was literally the same class and professor teaching at the community college and local university and I was wise for taking the class at a fraction of the price. If I had gone to that local university, there wouldn't have been a question. But elsewhere? Well, thank goodness I had proof!
Crossing state lines is terrible! In CA we have agreements between the CCs and universities, so when you transfer you get evaluated, and the large majority of it transfers (remedial classes and technical classes-for CC certs not so much). But as you mentioned, anyone out of state has to bring a stack of proof for every class to earn "credit"...and you can only be evaluated after you are "matriculated". Not worth it to me, i know everyone has a reason, but i waited until i was ready to settle in one state to take on college.

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