Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

I don't think an autopsy will tell you any of the "why's" you are seeking. It will tell you that the chick is dead. (You know that) It will tell you that the yolk is not absorbed. (You know that) It may tell you the gestational age of the chick. (You can make an educated guess about that) It will tell you the chick was malpositioned. (You know that) It may tell you if there was bacteria involved. But, it's most likely been too long for the autopsy to be definitive there. Save your money. Buy some hatching eggs, or take the Mex out to dinner. (without the kids!) ;)
You are correct.
I'll use the money to buy another thermometer to replace the one I just broke. :barnie

I just dropped it and had to pick up a million little balls. :he

I was cleaning up the bator although there wasn't really anything to clean.

I have a question....should I wipe it down with rubbing alcohol?
This one?

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