Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

A while back the state vet had told me that if one was in "a pinch" and couldn't wash their .(to splash some on your hands)

Now I need to research which kills more germs...alcohol or bleach.
I purchase Oxine and use it 10%. Also use Gold Listerine at 15%. Both are antifungal, antibacterial and antivirus.

Humidity levels are not something you should be worried about. Just make sure you get the quail eggs from a semi-respectable source, and track your air sac. These two eggs were worst case scenarios. I was shocked they even launched...
Hard to track air sac in a grape sized quail egg that has a blue internal shell covered in a brown camoflaged coloring. Been there...done that.

:thFinally caught up

Moved 25 new chicks to a brooder.
I think that's called a shellfish allergy!!! :lau Seriously, you can't have iodine dye if ever in the hospital, for real. :(
My mom is allergic to iodine, but still eats shellfish
You poor thing...I feel sorry for you.
Is it just shrimp or all shellfish?
No shrimp, lobster, crab, oysters, scallops, muscles, anything else along those lines. It doesn't bother me too much, I was always squeamish about eating something that looked like a big bug anyway.

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