Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

wish I could have cropped this so it would be easier to see, we let the 2 moms and their chicks out together for about 45 minutes today, while the other 4 adult hens were locked up. It went fairly well and we will do this again tomorrow. The chicks got along better than the moms. The moms are still very protective. One let out an extremely loud, shrill scream, we looked up and saw a hawk. WIll try to get better pictures tomorrow, was afraid to get too close, didn't want to scare them.
View attachment 1397555 wish I could have cropped this so it would be easier to see, we let the 2 moms and their chicks out together for about 45 minutes today, while the other 4 adult hens were locked up. It went fairly well and we will do this again tomorrow. The chicks got along better than the moms. The moms are still very protective. One let out an extremely loud, shrill scream, we looked up and saw a hawk. WIll try to get better pictures tomorrow, was afraid to get too close, didn't want to scare them.
The babies are too cute out there playing!
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