Kiki's Friday Night Extravagant CELEBRATION!!!

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They were actually small enough to sit on the Lilly pads!!!! And isn’t my new yellow lily gorgeous!!!! And it has 2 more blooms that should be opening soon!!!
Stella d'Oro Day Lily

been on the downhill side of the Grapevine pulling my horse trailer going 80+ right next to 18 wheelers doing the same. :oops:
Been There, done that too. When I was in high school. There was also a section headed out to Glamis & Anza Borrego when we had the dune buggy & three wheelers loaded up behind "BELCH" his '69 Dodge power wagon... ohhh the memories.
I just made this realization.
My BFF picked this up at a thrift shop in Denver a couple years ago. I says, “Oh my gol it’s a cat! What’s it for?” She said she thought it was for eggs but wasn’t sure. I says, “Well, I suppose I’ll put random crap in it, beings I won’t ever need it for eggs.” I was with my X at that time and he wasn’t much of a big dreamer kinda guy, I want to be petty and send him a pic of my cat-basket with the egg. Also he gave me a bunch of crap for buying a school desk, his reasoning was we didn’t have room and why would you need it, you’re not in school. I used it for when I paint/crafts. Send him a pic of the school I live in meow and say, “B, this is why I needed the desk!”
I am 100% proof the law of attraction is real. Also the power of one’s intentions.
The flowers will bloom
If you want them to.
So a little bit of artistic history for y'all. Circa '2000.
I painted this one. In one of my senior level scenic design classes at UNT. The assignment was to take a picture from a magazine of a landscape and fit it to the muzlin flat. The flat is ~3' x~8' and we had to draw the area and then paint it all with a bamboo handle that was 5' long and put what ever brush's we used into the bamboo rod. It teaches how to pain perspective on a much harder scale....

I did it many other times but, this one was my 1st.View attachment 2238400
Are one of those Renaissance men? Is there anything you haven't done and done well? :th
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