Kiki's Friday Night Party. Put your apron on and...

Bleach, multi-quat, vinegar, your choice. If the tubes are icky that lead to the fridge shut off the water supply, take it apart and give it a nice cleaning. Pipe cleaners work for the spicket. If it has an ice maker, don’t forget to clean that every so often. Maintenance is key 🔑
Thank you!! We never normally maintain anything 😂🤣😂🙈 I’ll start if no one else will lol though I’m not sure it comes apart? 🤔
I am so damn full lol I made my sandwich way too big 😂🤣😂 I didn’t think there’d be much meat on it so I added more plus more cheese 😂🤣🙈🙈 whoops.

Still ate two (small) peppers though since they made them and I needed the vegetables 😂🤣

And they ate the potato salad I bought that I was too full to eat so it worked out LOL

But man I should not have eaten so much. 😂🤣🤮🤮🤮
They should, I had a fridge line bust, water everywhere.
Oh wow! :eek:

I still can’t figure it out. Maybe something twists off????

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