Kiki's Friday Night Party. Put your apron on and...

Wait... That Pippin thing was not on purpose? Was that a coincidence??? Is that even possible??? Omg! That’s even funnier!!!:lau:gig

You ROCK adopting an old dog like that!:bow When you get her I’ll nickname her Sharkbait.:p (Just kidding.Maybe.)

One of my pugs has a trick hip that has to be popped back in on occasion.
No the Pippin name didn’t have to do with that movie. I think it’s funny as well! That would be a good nickname! It’s better than my crazy friend wanting me to name him Svetlana! :lau
When I look at dogs I don’t factor in age I just go by personality, fit for me, and so on. I don’t usually go by breed or age so if it works out that it’s a certain age or breed than that’s perfectly fine. I’m meeting him possibly tommorow and I’m hoping all goes over smoothly. I’m really glad he’s a sheltie and he seems perfect for me! :D
No the Pippin name didn’t have to do with that movie. I think it’s funny as well! That would be a good nickname! It’s better than my crazy friend wanting me to name him Svetlana! :lau
When I look at dogs I don’t factor in age I just go by personality, fit for me, and so on. I don’t usually go by breed or age so if it works out that it’s a certain age or breed than that’s perfectly fine. I’m meeting him possibly tommorow and I’m hoping all goes over smoothly. I’m really glad he’s a sheltie and he seems perfect for me! :D
:fl:fl Fingers crossed for you & Ol’ Sharkie. 🤞🤞
You already have
It’s ice cream, the answer is always ice cream 🍨
I like your style, who needs recipes anyways? Thanks much!
Hey, its a win win for everyone.
How dare you say that! It is nothing like that nasty. I cook REAL food, not fake food.
I’m dead :lau

And I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult or anything. :oops: I’m sure yours is far better! I was just saying it’s similar because they McGriddles use a French toast type thing for the bread too and they’re really good so I bet yours would be good too is what I meant.
:lau I don’t think it was that much but maybe!? Probably was actually. I just scooped a bunch out lol

And ohhhh okay!! I was really confused cause Google said it was a doll and I was like she eats dolls!? :lau
Never heard of the mayo but yes, kewpie dolls were (I believe) given away as a premium when you bought some product I can't recall. They were young (just a bit over toddler-age), kind of old-fashioned, pudgy little girls. I may have had one. 🤷‍♀️ They're most likely pricey antiques now. As I remember, they just came in their panties and you bought or made clothes for them. But that's a long time ago and I was very young--and never much interested in dolls in any case.

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