Kiki's Hurricane Hurrah & Fire Function

Post #65. What should Bee call this?

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Girl I moved up north! But still can’t get away from hurricanes. :lau
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Yeah I know that feeling! It should hit here by next weekend! Worst one we had here in Indiana was IKE he took out the power for over a week!!!! I got less impact from hurricanes when we lived in Florida 🤣🤣🤣
I'm glad I live out of hurricane's way...once in a while we get the aftereffects of one rather badly...I think one of the ones we got was Hurricane Sandy. Other than that we are blessed to only get severe thunderstorms and the occasional heavy snow and ice. Oh and floods once in a great while. Like if we get flooded it's a big deal, because of all the runoff. But there hasnt been a major flood since 1996 in our area so it will hopefully stay that way.
The other reason I haven’t been around much is that we had another SAD situation....a couple weeks ago after pool party, Tater’s eyes were irritated....she recovered a bit so we thought maybe it was the chemicals in the pool but when it happened worse this weekend we figured out that it was Sunburn/UV damage from her obsession with staying in the pool and outside in the sun constantly!!!! I haven’t gotten her VET appointment yet because not sure what exactly they can do beyond what we’ve been doing to treat her but she very likely has some degree of permanent damage/blindness at this point. We have “grounded” her from outside except to potty for now and have new GOGGLES ordered that she will be required to wear from now on in order to be outdoors and especially in the pool! We knew that there was risk of sunburning her skin but had never had a problem before now.....

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