Kiki's WeekEND Home Made Goodie Goodness

Will the Dog show up today?

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About 18 inches. I had 3 at one point. I had aquariums galore when I was with my ex. The dumb dumb gave sold all the tanks when we broke up. I’m upset over the 120 gallon tank, oak stand, a sump, and all the attachments he sold. That crap was mine, he already milked me for the house he bought, why not sell her crap? Sorry, I’m still upset over it.
Understood! I could tell you stories, too. But the best revenge is a life well-lived. Now, If I could just get there, so I can rub it in his narcissistic face!
He's sort of personable. He will come up for food when I tap his "feeding spot" and won't eat unless I drop one pellet/worm at a time. Most of the time I have to point it out or he doesn't see it.

He's not the brightest crayon in the box.
Hey - he knows where and when to come for eats ... he's not stoopid!
"Oh, Hi Dan. Wow, it's SO hot today! A friend just invited me to XXX beach. We'll be there 'til XX. Would you like to join us when you get off?"

Answer A - "You can? Great, I'll pick up a few extra sodas ... what do you like?"
Answer B - "No?, Oh, that's too bad. But we'll be going again, soon. I can let you know."
Wait ... Grow-your-own salmon? Did I miss the pages on aquaculture? DAG! I gotta go back again?
No, I meant the designer beef, etc. I wasn't referring to your salmon. In my case I actually meant chicken & turkey, and I know some of us raise other meat animals. Beef, pork, lamb, rabbit, quail...

Fresh AK salmon is very much worth eating but Sams Club frozen & thawed salmon just isn't the same. Some things in life are so good you don't need to do them again. But no, I don't know of anyone doing aquaponics with salmon. 🙂😢
Those are not mine. :D
Gluten free Dutch Babies don't look nearly that good (they are still a work in progress) However they are super easy to make using regular flour.
Mix. Pour. Bake. Consume!
Like making cream puffs. I love to take those to picnics & parties. Everyone thinks I've slaved over them for hours, but they'e SO easy - kinda like deviled eggs. I still don't understand why people are always floored when I take those anywhere. They're the easiest thing in the world to make - and if you smash and mix your yolks in a plastic zip-lock, you don't even have the extra bowl to clean - and if you take off a corner, you've got an instant piping filler. Easy-peasy!

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