Kiki's White Trash and or Nerdy Birthday Bash Funeral

So ungrateful! I don't see YOU scraping roadkill off the sides of the road.
They're cute, I promise. Don't you trust me? 💔
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I grew up around opossums. I know exactly what they are and what they are like. I do not miss them.

Way back when, I used to collect road killed deer so that my dog could have a raw meat diet.
Not to BRAG too much, but I will put my HillBilly Porch up against anyone any day of the week and twiced on Sundays!

Bottle Tree and Spit-toon on porch CHECk!
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Cast iron stove and multiple lanterns, garbage cans and 1 old out of date fire extinguisher! CHECK!
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Christmas lights, a BBQ trophy, a broke pitcher pump and various and sundry "stuff" CHECK!
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Lawn Jockey! Check!

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Woodpile, wasp spray, a ladder, satallite dish, and some various sheet metal farm animals? What the hell is wrong with Reddogmaster2? HA! :thumbsup
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Now THAT is a HillBilly Porch!
The lawn jockey is amazing!!! You get extra hillbilly points for that.
Courtesy of @Beer can

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