Kiki's White Trash and or Nerdy Birthday Bash Funeral

Apple holders work good for other stuff too. Phones, cans, food crumbs... The last one isn't welcomed though.

I think @WhatTheDuckingDuck uses her apple holders for vape thingies? Or was it a flashlight? 🤔
Or sometimes a device to light up baddies (only if necessary of course). That seems to me kind of a risky way to carry, but some ladies do...
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And I remembered after I wrote that that the parasite thing was for raw feeding dogs not human eating. I got it wrong

that was interesting! But do Canadians not have auto flush toilets and auto sinks and soap? We have those here too? And some of the fancier bathrooms are private stalls like that lol
Those are normal bathrooms in Japan.
Oh I see hats are a trend. ..
Here's my white trash fake eilleen hat.

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