Kiki's Yoga Party. Game over

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Rabies, yes. But also...

Histoplasmosis (caused by spores in infected soil, bird or bat guano has also been called “Cavers Disease” and “Spelunker’s Lung” because it would sometimes occur after long exposure to bat guano that had been stirred up by cave explorers. It can be a very serious disease, although most people infected with these spores will never display symptoms. It is a disease that usually affects the lungs, and often used to be misdiagnosed as tuberculosis. It is not limited to just the lungs however, and is very serious (or fatal) when it travels to other organs. Symptoms can include coughing, fever and general flu like symptoms.
Histo often shows up in the retina too. Usually without problem but occasionally causing complications.
Can someone please tell me what "hump" means in this case? I know that to "hump" something means to pick it up and put it on your back, or something, but is that what she means in this case?
With this bunch, I never quite know....
It means to carry somebody on your back.
Can someone please tell me what "hump" means in this case? I know that to "hump" something means to pick it up and put it on your back, or something, but is that what she means in this case?
With this bunch, I never quite know....
Umm that’s definitely not what it means :laub
Cause you’re freaking the hell out and resorting to personal attacks and insults and acting like we’re all terrible people cause we don’t want to get involved in some drama filled thread where we would be of no help anyway.
K, um...can we just all calm down, and forget this? And not keep bringing it up? Sorry, again, i don't want to argue, i just wanted to be friends, lets just forget this, and stop, its not gonna help us at all, and its just gonna make us all offensive, and that is not what i want at all.

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