Kiki's Yoga Party. Game over

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There was a whole big huge discussion on whether or not we pee in the shower. Like a couple months ago maybe??? Maybe longer now actually. Idk. I lost track. CSA was appalled.
... I do believe that I missed this.
Reading about people being appalled sounds rather amusing, though... er, that just made me sound sadistic. Whoopsie, sorry -- I was kidding!
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K, um...can we just all calm down, and forget this? And not keep bringing it up? Sorry, again, i don't want to argue, i just wanted to be friends, lets just forget this, and stop, its not gonna help us at all, and its just gonna make us all offensive, and that is not what i want at all.
You’re fine and I don’t mind that it was brought up, I know that you were just trying to help, which is nice, but your friend needs to chill out. But yes, let’s just stop talking about it and move on now. I’m going to stop replying to posts about that now haha
Histoplasmosis is fairly routine here from pigeon as blackbird poo....a good optometrist can see if you’ve had it from scarring in your eyes.... DH had a scar open up into a neurovascular web that had to be treated (very traumatic treatment including injections through pupil and old haart laser treatments). He now has a blind spot in his right eye as result
Yes. This.

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