Killed a snake... What do you think it was?


6 Years
Jul 21, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
Quick background : we live in mid GA not near any water. There's woods all around us

Our copperheads are a GORGEOUS copper color. Some look as bright as a brand new penny, so from my experience from what I've seen, that wouldn't be the culprit. A venomous snake is a venomous snake is a venomous snake... Lol, so any triangular head gets the chop here. What kind of snake is it? A dangerous one! :p

Do be careful of the pit viper heads. Those suckers can still get you even hours after death. We bury ours!
It's hard to see the pattern clearly in the pics but it looks copperhead-ish. We have a ton of the things, rattlesnakes too, where I live.
But looking at reference pictures, Water Moccasins have similar patterns but are darker. Copperheads usually have a bright penny-orange head, but the color can vary quite a bit, particularly if they are nearing a shedding of their skin. Can you very carefully get a pic of the top of the head?
Not sure what snake it is since I live in a different area than you. However, I do know that whenever I kill a rattler on my property I cut it's head off, bury it somewhere underneath some rocks, then skin the body and eat it. The meat is pretty good (I have fried it up like chicken, yum), and the skins look beautiful if preserved properly.

Edit: However, I always give the snake a couple of hours after death to stop moving. Also, if you leave the head on it, it will still try to strike you during those few hours, so be careful in the future.
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What color?

Did it have a fatter wedge shaped head?

Oops ... The picture just showed up ... Slow data connection on my phone ... Looks like a rattle snake from what I can see ... A bit different pattern than we have in AZ though ...
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Definitely poisonous. We flayed it's fangs. We first thought copperhead but it's so dark were not sure it it's maybe a cotton mouth. But since there's no water near by that hurts the cotton mouth idea...

Dark brown almost black in color
Definitely a poisonous snake. Note the triangular wedge shaped head. Good thing you got it. Not sure about a rattlesnake. I see bands instead of a diamond pattern, but I'm on my iPhone & can't enlarge the picture. Maybe an expert can chime in.

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