Killed my first hen yesterday by broomstick method (mercy kill) and I need some affirmation

Don't know about the broomstick method but one of my hens Molly as I called her fell ill and weighed the cost of taking her to a costly vet or trying to nurse her back to health. She was just too weak and too old to consider vet treatment. Most of it I believe was age, I rescued her and 5 others from a neighbor who was clueless about raising chickens and basically did not take care of them properly. They had a very rough start in life and was not sure they would last much longer. However with patience and time I nurtured them back into egg producing hens who loved their new home and treatment. Awhile ago I pulled Molly and layed her on a thick cardboard box, she was so weak she just layed there on her side. I took my razer sharp machette and lobbed her head off, it was over quickly. I was just glad to end her suffering because that was more concerning to me then anything. We do what we must in times and being a Sunday there are no vet offices nearby to reach out to. I believe I did the most painless mercy kill and the hen is now resting in peace.

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